Jessica Holden Photography » My Little Corner of the Web

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Through the Lensbaby | May {Peonies!}

This month has been absolutely crazy for us… We remodeled our kitchen last fall, but there was an issue with the paint on the cabinetry, so a few weeks ago we had to pack up and get back out of our kitchen again so they could strip them all down to bare wood and repaint. We have been living in chaos—appliances in the dining room, kitchen necessities out on the dining room table so we could try to eat in as often as we could manage to avoid the cost and bad-for-us-food of restaurants, washing dishes in the garage or bathroom, not to mention the dust and paint fumes and people in our home every day that necessitated that all the pets be locked up in our bedroom by day and for many nights (they were thrilled!)… So today when I saw my favorite peonies at the store, I knew I had to buy them if for no other reason than to escape into my peaceful little world of photographing flowers. I find it so relaxing—I really don’t think about anything else when I am shooting and editing; for once I find my brain shuts out the insanity and stays in the moment. I love it!





With any luck they will be done by the end of this week, and I will be able to move back in this weekend. And FINALLY, a remodel blog post will follow!

Please join me in browsing our little circle to the always lovely work of Caroline!